When I was a kid, my mother always told me when I was trying to do something to make sure that it was something that would make people think that they should name something after me when I get old.
People have airports and schools, stadiums and highways named after them. The majority of the time, it is due to these people have done great things.
Donald Trump spent four years of his life when he could have been relaxing on the beach, doing everything that he could to make America as good as he could possibly make it.
Anthony Sabatini, one of the most patriotic and pro-America state legislators in the nation has just announced that he is pushing a bill to rename a highway in Florida after President Trump. That road is US 27 in Florida.
It would be the first place that is named after Trump, but you can expect more in the coming years.
Unlike the Democrats, Trump actually did well for the common man instead of the common campaign contributor.
In his bill, the highway will be named for Trump but will retain the Purple Heart Memorial Highway designation.
This legislative session I will be sponsoring an amendment to rename U.S. Highway 27 as the “President Donald J. Trump Highway.” Looking forward to working on this important designation honoring one of the greatest Presidents in American History.