Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleged last year that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993, weighed in Tuesday on the stunning resignation of Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo amid his sexual harassment scandal.

Reade is calling for a “real investigation” into the president, who she says is a “powerful predator.”
🚨Just In: Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade calls for “real investigation” into “predator” President
“I hope for justice. Cuomo resigned today and Biden should also resign.”#MeToo #Biden pic.twitter.com/dTowNhvl5x
— Julian Conradson (@JCConradson) August 11, 2021
“My heart is with the brave Cuomo survivors who endured attempts to discredit them like I did coming forward about Joe Biden with the help of non-profits that were supposed to help women like Time’s Up,” Reade told Fox News. “May there be some measure of justice for the survivors. Now, let’s call for a real investigation into Joe Biden and expose the corruption protecting powerful predators.”
An organization that kept on shouting the slogan ‘believe all women’ were exposed as fraud in last week’s detailed report on the Governor. And what is shocking is the leader itself of ‘Time’s Up’ resigned just this week after it was revealed that she provided her legal expertise in an effort to discredit one of his victims.
After knowing this shocking revelation, Reade was outraged and called the progressive group’s actions a “hideous betrayal,” but it was not the first time they showed their true colors and chose to ignore an accuser in favor of a powerful political ally.
Back in January 2020, she had requested help from The Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund as she prepared to go public with her accusations against creepy-Joe. Despite having a credible account, her request was denied, with the group saying their nonprofit status could be affected by backing her allegations because Biden was actively running for office.
The #MeToo group essentially told her sexual assault is meaningless if its committed by an elite leftist who is involved in a crucial political race.
If the grift wasn’t clear to her then, it seems like it is now. Reade made a final call for justice and said the president resign just like Cuomo.
“Time’s Up committed the most hideous betrayal to protect their most powerful friends and not only not protect survivors but cause harm.”
The revelations and Cuomo’s resignation is a signal to the powerful men with nasty behavior that survivors’ voices will be heard and their behavior no longer rewarded. Not from a governor and not from the president of the United States.”
I hope for justice. Cuomo resigned today and Biden should also resign.”
Biden has adamantly denied any wrongdoing and his handlers have covered for him every step of the way. The other day his mouthpiece, Jen Psaki, got defensive when asked about a possible investigation for the multiple women who have come forward.
It goes without saying, the accusations against the President should, at the very least, be investigated.
Here’s an excerpt from The Gateway Pundit report:
Back in 2015, Joe Biden went viral after he was videotaped groping Senator Steve Daines’ niece on C-Span while meeting with his family for his swearing-in ceremony.
The girl, Maria Piacesi who was only eight years old at the time, was filmed standing in front of then Vice President Biden as he ran his hands up and down her upper body.
Watch it here: Youtube/Kim Goodwin
Six years later, Maria Piacesi is finally speaking out. Citizen journalist Jonathan Pasetti recently shared screenshots of a conversation he had with Maria Piacesi on social media app Tik Tok where she admits that President Joe Biden pinched her nipple. The teenager has since deleted her comments however the screenshots still exist.
“Did Joe Biden pinch you?” asked Pasetti asked on Tik Tok.
“Yes,” confirmed Maria Piacesi.
Sources: The Gateway Pundit, Fox News