A violent sex offender distracted by pornography on his cell phone was struck and killed by a runaway trailer on a Tennessee street Wednesday, according to a local report.
55-year-old Kevin Jordan, a convicted serial rapist in Memphis was walking on a sidewalk while watching porn on his cell phone when he got hit by a runaway trailer that smashed into a fence and struck him.
A man who witnessed the accident happened around 5 p.m. said police told them that Jordan was looking at porn on his phone when he was hit. He added that Jordan was killed just a few houses down from where he lived.
“I think it is ironic that he was watching porn. And this dealt with some of the crimes he may have perpetrated,” dentist Dr. Peter Trimble said. Trimble’s office is nearby the area where Jordan was hit. A veterinarian whose office was also in the area told Trimble’s wife, Sue, what she witnessed.
“She was telling us it looked like he was walking down the street, looking at his phone and the trailer hit him,” Trimble added, “That was it.”
Authorities confirmed that the victim is listed in court records as a violent sex offender involving aggravated rape.
But the accident victim’s fiancé said that the death was tragic because he was trying to get his life in order and get over his violent past.
Fiancé Connie Harris said Jordan “had his life in order” and insisted that she still loved him even in death. She also claimed that his recent citation of indecent exposure was not a sexual crime. She said he was urinating in an alley when a woman walked by and saw him.
The driver of the 2008 Dodge Ram who was hauling the trailer has not been charged with anything yet, but Memphis police say they are still investigating the incident.
If Jordan had been required to serve his full prison sentence, he’d still be in jail and would not have been on that sidewalk that fateful night.
Sources: OpposingViews, Live 5 News, WMC Action News 5,